Selecting a good college is not just about your academic course but is about selecting the right career path with proper guidance. Saraswati Group of colleges is among the top Nursing colleges in Punjab; it offers various professional courses in the field of Nursing, Ayurveda, Pharmacy, and Elementry Teacher Training. Their aim is to give the proper direction to the student and help them in achieving their goals with a positive aspect. Their well-qualified teacher provides excellent educational opportunities and services through Industrial training, Field trip, many Internship programs, and Practical assignments to the students. Apart from this Guest lectures, Seminars and are also provided to students for professional learning and opening new opportunities. If you are looking for best Nursing and Pharmacy Colleges in Punjab and nearby areas, choose Saraswati Group of colleges to achieve your goals. Visit the website for more details.
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines & Surgery Duration : 4-1/2 Yrs. + 1 Yr. (Internship) Eligibility Criteria : Qualifications :- Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or Intermediate with Physics, Chemistry & Biology as an optional subjects or its equivalent shall be recognized as per the university guidelines. Minimum Marks :- As per U.P. State Government. Age :- As per U.P. State Government. Reservation :- Reservation Policy as per U.P. Government entitlement. Call Edutech Education Consultants: 9140349449 - 9389097888