Every day at Kaneohe Family Dental Care we are thrilled to meet patients who are new to our practice. These new patients come to us seeking a Kaneohe or Kailua Dentist, most often due to the recommendation of their friends and family. A sign of the times is the increasing number of new patients who find their way to our office via the internet after reading patient reviews on Google, Facebook, or sites such as rateadentist.com. Sadly, a sign of our tough economic times is the increasing number of the new patients we see who are young adults that have, for one reason or another, neglected regular dental care and now are in pain and now require urgent care. The good news is that we are usually able to relieve their pain quickly and inexpensively, but what is next for these patients who frequently have multiple other dental problems ready to turn south as well?
Thanks to a large television-advertising budget, and the proliferation of dentists who provide the care, Invisalign Orthodontic treatment has become the first choice for adults seeking a Windward dentist to have their teeth straightened.