Title: NCBI Literature Databases Author: Chuong Huynh Last modified by: Gaby Created Date: 11/12/2003 7:04:15 PM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en ...
Dengue is a pandemic-prone viral disease that is emerging rapidly in many parts of the world. Dengue thrives in urban poor areas, suburbs and also in the countryside but also affects high society people living in the tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue is a viral infection that is mosquito-borne and causes severe flu-like illness and sometimes causing a lethal condition called severe dengue. The occurrence of dengue has become 30 times more in the last 50 years. Today, an estimated 50-100 million cases arise in over 100 endemic countries. Dengue puts up almost half of the world population at risk. Severe dengue previously also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever was first recognized in the 1950s. This was during the dengue epidemics in the Philippines and Thailand. Today it has reached in Asian and Latin American countries and has become a severe problem and also the leading cause of hospitalization.