CTC Global launched ACCC InfoCore™ System that can confirm the integrity of the conductor in minutes. For more information please contact CTC Global or email info@ctcglobal.com
CTC Global’s technical team continue to raise the performance bar to provide its customers with the most advanced and cost-effective overhead conductor solutions available. To learn more, please visit - www.ctcglobal.com
The ACCC® Conductor reduces line losses by up to 40% compared to conventional conductors of the same size. For services Contact us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
CTC Global ACCC Case Studies that demonstrate how ACCC Conductor is being used successfully to improve the efficiency, capacity and reliability of the grid. Contact us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
The ACCC InfoCore™ System is used to confirm the integrity of the conductor in minutes. It is available through CTC Global’s Master Installers network. For more information please contact CTC Global or email info@ctcglobal.com
CTC Global manufactures ACCC Composite Core that has strength to weight ratio approximately six times better than steel, with coefficient of thermal expansion ten times lower. Contact Us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
ACCC Conductor projects underway to reduce line sag, increase power flow & reduce electrical line losses, & CTC Global believes their investment in new technology will help California in many ways. Contact us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
ACCC® Conductor offers the ability to improve the efficiency, capacity, reliability, and resilience of the electric power grid, worldwide, while saving time, money, and the environment. To learn more, please visit - www.ctcglobal.com
It is high time now that we should understand the importance of reducing carbon footprint & harmful emissions and start taking steps to save our planet from global warming. Here is how CTC Global ACCC conductor is helping. Contact Us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 Fax: +1 949 428 8515 info@ctcglobal.com
The use of high-capacity, high-efficiency ACCC® Conductors can help you cost-effectively achieve your organization’s emission reduction goals Contact Us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com
High-performance conductors offer performance advantages that should no longer be ignored, and policy makers, regulators and project financiers are taking note. For more details contact www.ctcglobal.com
Learn how ACCC conductors are being used to improve grid performance by CTC Global. Contact us for services – Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
To date, over 50,000 miles of the ACCC Conductor have been installed at over 700 projects in 50+ countries. For more information, please visit www.ctcglobal.com
When it comes to CTC Global technology, it holds many U.S. and other international patents that mainly includes four major technologies. Learn which are those and contact us for services: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
CTC Global manufactures different type of ACCC conductors like ACCC AZR conductor and Composite Core conductor. To learn more contact us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 Email id: info@ctcglobal.com
Over the last decade we have all seen the impact of climate change. Here are how utilities are strengthening the electric power grid to mitigate line outages and restoring power quickly after extreme weather events. For more details visit www.ctcglobal.com/
CTC Global ACCC conductor has already helped over 200 utilities at over 675 project sites in over 55 countries improving the efficiency, capacity, reliability and resiliency of the grid. Contact Us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
CTC Global manufactures ACCC Conductors that are product tested, quality assured and uses the best ACCC hardware. They also provide CCP software for conductor Comparison. Contact Us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
CTC Global is located at Irvine, California, USA and was established in the year 2002. We worked behind developing a conductor that could be used to upgrade existing transmission corridors without structural modifications. Contact Us: Phone: +1 949 428 8500 info@ctcglobal.com www.ctcglobal.com
CTC Global has raised the performance bar over any other commercially available conductor on the market today. They are the manufacturers of ACCC conductors, ACCC AZR conductor, ACCC composite core and ACCC hardware. Contact us: Email id: info@ctcglobal.com Contact number: +1 949 428 8500 Website: www.ctcglobal.com
The ACCC ULS Conductor is available in many sizes and offers designers added design flexibility and is being deployed worldwide. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/2XBLcfy
Have a look at the advancements made in the CTC Global ACCC® Conductor technology and the projects completed for the month of July 2021 - https://bit.ly/2V9wMpf
CTC Global Announces ACCC InfoCore™ System that provides fast, accurate assurance that the ACCC® Conductor has been installed properly. For more information, visit - https://bwnews.pr/3DR2t86
CTC Global’s high-capacity, high-efficiency, low-sag, patented and extensively tested ACCC® Conductor has raised the performance bar over any other commercially available conductor on the market today. For more details, visit - https://bit.ly/3vofD8E
The ACCC® ULS Conductor offers greater strength, a lower coefficient of thermal expansion, and higher modulus of elasticity than the standard ACCC Conductor core. Learn how these factors can lead to improved grid performance - https://bit.ly/2ZWXzXX
The use of efficient T&D technologies offers tremendous benefits for Consumers, Utilities, the States, and our Environment. Establishing T&D Efficiency Standards can help ensure that project approvals consider overall project benefits and help us reach our sustainability goals - https://bit.ly/3irJIOK
CTC Global announced that its ACCC® Conductor became the first electric transmission conductor in history to earn a third party certification for CO2 emission reductions resulting from improved energy efficiency. Learn how - https://bit.ly/3fX7LUl
The ACCC conductor has become the dominate technology for transmission and sub-transmission projects where efficiency, capacity, reliability and resiliency are paramount design objectives. Learn more https://bit.ly/33e2pxL
The new ACCC® Conductor not only can help deliver more clean energy to meet growing demand, but it can also help reduce electric power transmission line losses. It’s a real win-win for energy consumers and the environment. For service details, visit https://bit.ly/2Nw9mXe
Have a look at the advancements made in the CTC Global ACCC® Conductor technology and the projects completed for the month of March 2021 - https://bit.ly/3dFhRbn
When it comes to improving the performance of the grid, CTC Global has already exceeded the expectations of its client and customers by providing them with the most reliable, efficient, and resilient conductors. Have a look at the Technologies offered by CTC Global - https://bit.ly/2W0vywM
Learn about the consumers benefit when ACCC® Conductors are installed on their electric power grid, what features it has to offer, how it is reducing line losses, and a lot more https://bit.ly/3bcDKNR
To compare the ampacity, line losses, sag, and economic aspects of nearly any conductor type and size with the ACCC® Conductor CTC Global has developed free CCP™ Software. To start using it, visit https://bit.ly/3q9ee1q
The added strength of ACCC® AZR Conductor offers nearly the same efficiency, but far greater overall strength which mitigates conductor sag under heavy wind or ice loads, or very long spans. To learn more - https://bit.ly/3BfE6iR
When it comes to improving the performance of the grid, CTC Global has already exceeded the expectations of its client and customers by providing them with the most reliable, efficient, and resilient conductors. Learn more https://bit.ly/35anGtP
One of the Biden Administration’s primary goals is to achieve a 100% carbon-free electricity sector in the U.S. by 2035. Have a look how CTC GLobal ACCC® Conductors in Meeting U.S. Decarbonization Goals - https://bit.ly/30H6pcG
When it comes to the transmission and distribution industry, why not look at the most advanced conductor on the market to power us into the future? Know how ACCC® Conductor is helping reduce line losses and for service details, visit https://bit.ly/2YE25Xf
High capacity, low sag conductor offers increased strength and, more importantly, greatly reduced thermal sag. This means that the capacity of an existing ACSR line can be doubled by upgrading to ACCC without the need to replace or modify existing structures. For service details visit https://bit.ly/2VSTMoU
Not considering the efficiency of grid – and not taking action – is a highly wasted opportunity. If and when you have the opportunity to upgrade your transmission system, consider the importance of leveraging high performance conductors. To learn more, visit https://bit.ly/32RX1Rx
CTC Global has been improving the efficiency, capacity, reliability, and resilience of the world's electric power grid since 2005 with the introduction of ACCC® Conductor. Have a look at why ACCC® Conductor is used extensively in cold climates https://bit.ly/2RldF9o
The CTC Global Software CCP™ program can make it easier for Utilities to compare the performance of one conductor option vs. another under different project conditions. It streamlines the selection of an optimized conductor solution for the system planner’s or transmission engineer’s own projects. Visit to learn more https://bit.ly/3prz8t5
CTC Global is ramping up its production to meet the challenges of increasing CO2 emissions. It's time to give it a thought as you contemplate upgrading your transmission system. For more details, visit https://bit.ly/35SjTlr
ACCC® Conductor Update from CTC Global Corporation - November 2021. Have a look at how CTC Global is improving the Efficiency, Capacity, Reliability, and Resilience of the Electric Power Grid with ACCC® Conductor - https://bit.ly/3IuFJwT
As the electric infrastructure becomes increasingly complex and our economic challenges progressively demanding, accurately assessing the benefits of transmission investment is becoming extremely important. Learn why and how https://bit.ly/34PSpN1
CTC Global ACCC Conductor increases transmission line capacity, mitigating thermal sag, and improving conductor efficiency. CTC Global technology has proven record of improving the electric power grid. Get to learn more https://bit.ly/2ZXPeAg
CTC Global’s ACCC conductor is cost-effectively helping improve grid efficiency and learn why it may be one of the least expensive means of reducing CO2 and other GHG emissions https://bit.ly/2H9DZi2
CTC Global is Building an Efficient Power Grid for a Low Carbon Energy Future the reason why it is being selected by more than 250 utilities for more than 800 projects in 50+ countries. Learn more https://bit.ly/3njCvBT
CTC Global has raised the performance bar over any other commercially available conductor on the market today. They are the manufacturers of ACCC conductors, ACCC AZR conductor, ACCC composite core and ACCC hardware. Contact us: Email id: info@ctcglobal.com Contact number: +1 949 428 8500 Website: www.ctcglobal.com