Near threshold production of pseudoscalar mesons. at the COSY-11 ... I P, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. INP, Cracow, Poland. COoler SYnchrotron COSY ...
Track reconstruction in the COSY-11 U-shaped drift chamber. Chamber construction ... Take all possible pairs of hits from two different planes. Fit a straight-line ...
vh'g-vertex (mec), they lead essentially to the same conclusion. ... and backward angles. would constrain more. the model parameters. gph'p (dynamical content) ...
One meson exchange. Bonn, Paris, Nijmegen. and others ... Attempts of meson exchange model variations. incorporating phenomenological Regge-effects on vector mesons ...
Between 1 and 10 GeV serious problems! R.Machleidt: Defeat of Theory, Triumph of ... Begin commissioning of PIT using high rate reactions that can be easily ...
Production of S hyperons at COSY-11 (pp nK S ; Q = 13 MeV, 40 MeV ) ... Missing mass with neutron and kaon cut. Background. channels. including a K . pp p K ? ...