The control arm bushing is a critical component for both the suspension and the steering assembly. The main purpose of this bushing is to reduce the amount of vibrations. A vibrating steering wheel and abnormal sounds are common signs of a malfunctioning control arm bushing. For more details, see the mentioned show.
Several cases in which the control arm breaks unexpectedly, thereby bringing about problems and even fatal accidents in some situations. Know more about control arm and learn lessons from the driving instructors
Thus, the suspension system of your car is used to link all the different parts and components of your car. Most of the cars have upper and lower control arms on its front and rear wheels. However, the front wheels have the suspension that can be connected with the frame of the control arm. In other words, the functions of the lower arm bushing are used to lower the intensity of the underneath vibrations of your car to avoid the hazards in the road. If the lower control arm of your car are worn out or faulty, then go through the following s to know about the symptoms to recognize it.