Check this A+ tutorial guideline at With your instructor’s approval: Select one of the following topics for your paper: • Community-Oriented Policing • Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at With your instructor’s approval, choose a current federal, state, or local issue that directly affects public policy pertaining to the criminal justice system. Write a 700-1050-word paper in which you analyze the issue and related policy. Be sure to address to following points in your analysis: Describe the issue. Is this policy a regulatory or legislative-initiated policy?
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at I find this to be an interesting topic covered in the book. The title alone is somewhat bothersome. If policing is an impossible job, why should anyone try to do it? From my earliest memory, I knew that I wanted to be a police officer. When I think back, I try to figure out why I had this calling. People become police officers for many different reasons, some good and noble and some not.