Chrysoberyl Cats eye meaning Lehsunia stone in Hindi wearing cat's eye is believed to help ward off evil and acts as a talisman to protect against unforeseen danger.
The combination of nine precious gemstones are called "Navaratna". Precious gemstones were valuable, rare and hard. Let's discuss about the list of precious gemstones and their beneficial effects.
Gemstones have been enriching the world of many jewelry lovers for several decades now the beauty and powers that these stones carry make them all absolutely wonderful.
Gemstones have been enriching the world of many jewelry lovers for several decades now the beauty and powers that these stones carry make them all absolutely wonderful.
Precious: Has beauty, durability, size, and rarity.(Diamond, emerald, opal,ruby,safphire) Semi-precious: only two of those (quartz, Jade) A gemstone or gem (also ...
Gemstones A gem is a mineral which, by cutting and polishing, possesses sufficient beauty to be used in jewelry or for personal adornment Attributes of ...
Do you know that what are considered to be the most expensive gemstones in the today’s world? Keep this in mind that prices which I am going to share here could vary as these notably high price gemstone sold out in privately. So do enjoy the glimpse of these notably acclaimed gemstones. See in deatils at
Chrysoberyl BeAl2O4 is a beryllium aluminium oxide mineral that resemblance like the cat’s eye. The Chrysoberyl mineral composed stone is termed as cats eye stone which constituted of Chatoyant mineral. The cat’s eye gemstone (also known as Lehsunia in Hindi) is an opaque stone. By the term opaque we mean that a stone which does approve sunlight to pass through it. - See more at:
Cat's eye also known as "lehsunia" or "vaidurya" in Hindi is one of the most intriguing gemstones out of all the nine gemstones in Vedic Astrology. It is a gemstone that is known for its extreme planetary energies and hence it is quickest to show results. It is also called as Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye. This stone is ruled by the planet Ketu/ South Node of the Moon. The natural appearance of the stone is quite breath taking it is a greenish golden or brownish grey colored stone with a vertical streak of light that looks similar to a Cat's eye.
Choose your choicest green gemstone from the lot available, and have them beautifully set in your own design, most perfectly in gold to get the best effect, by walking into a customized gold jewellery shop in Bangalore.
One of the most splendid and excellent gemstones in nature is Cat's Eye, and similarly astounding are its medical advantages. Prominently known as Lehsuniya gemstone, this glossy gemstone has a place with the Chrysoberyl family and looks similar with the eyes of a feline, subsequently getting this surprising name of Cats Eye.
Cat’s eye gemstone relates to the famous Chrysoberyl mineral family constituted of beryllium and aluminum. Besides aluminum and beryllium the other material which aids in offering distinct color of this stone is chromium and iron. The Chrysoberyl gemstone is called cat’s eye due to the fact that it displays a narrow band of light passing through the width of the stone. This impact gives this gemstone a different identity and unique name. Besides holding distinguish physical characteristics the following gemstone is also famous for its connection with planet Ketu as per Indian astrology, which altogether leads this stone in the group of distinguish gemstones.
The nine precious gemstones identified in this respect are Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, Yellow sapphire, Blue sapphire, Hessonite, Pearl, Cats Eye, and Coral. Gemstones used for our health, name, fame, prosperity and fortunes.
The nine precious gemstones identified in this respect are Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, Yellow sapphire, Blue sapphire, Hessonite, Pearl, Cats Eye, and Coral. Gemstones used for our health, name, fame, prosperity and fortunes.
The distinctive color and compelling metaphysical and healing properties of the cat’s eye or Chrysoberyl gemstone has significant importance in the emergence of this stone.
Cat’s eye gemstones are a kind of interesting gemstone which have stunning appearance and changes with the light. In this PPT, we will share the types of cats eye gemstone.
Cat’s eye gemstones are a kind of interesting gemstone which have stunning appearance and changes with the light. In this PPT, we will share the types of cats eye gemstone.
Catseye gemstone, popularly known as “lehsuniya” in vedic astrology. Chrysoberyl is the gemstone that produces the most distinct “catseye”. in this PPT, we will discuss the Composition Of Cat's Eye Gemstone.
Cat’s eye gemstones are a kind of interesting gemstone which have a stunning appearance and changes with the light. Here we are sharing some different types of catseye gemstone.
The Cat's Eye gemstone is also known as the Lehsunia stone. In Hindi, it is known as the Vaiduryam stone. It is an exceptionally powerful and beautiful assortment of the Chrysoberyl mineral family.
Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye transforms negative thoughts into positive energy. Cat's Eye brings happiness and serenity, along with optimism, generosity and confidence. It can enhance creativity and kindness. Traditionally, Cat's Eye is believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits.
The cat's eye gemstone is quite an intriguing gem.Cat's eye Chrysoberyl also known as lehsunia or vaidurya is the gemstone of Planet Ketu or South Node of the Moon. It is a gemstone with intense planetary energies and shows effects quite fas
Cat's Eye Gemstone is also known as lahsuniya In hindi and related to planet Dregon's Head. One of the most magnificent and beautiful stones in nature is the cat's eye, and equally amazing are its health benefits. Cats eye gemstone belongs to the Chrysoberyl family. Here we are going to share more detail in this post "Top Health Benefits Of Cat's Eye Gemstone". So let's check it out.
Cat eye gemstone is a chrysoberyl gemstone. It is an opaque gemstone that possesses a distinct appearance when it is compared with the other precious stones. Cat eyes are considered being one of the most controversial gemstone because of its appearance and astrological benefits which it claims to offer its wearer.
Cats eye gemstone or Lehsuniya stone in Hindi is a special gemstone. Unlike other gemstones the cat’s eye gemstone is an opaque gemstone which is hot in its constitution. The factor which makes cats eye gemstone an outstanding gemstone is its significant affliction with a vengeful planet of the solar system the Ketu which denotes the south node of the moon. The Ketu planet into actual does not have any physical existence.
Cats eye gemstone or Lehsuniya stone in Hindi is a special gemstone. Unlike other gemstones the cat’s eye gemstone is an opaque gemstone which is hot in its constitution. The factor which makes cats eye gemstone an outstanding gemstone is its significant affliction with a vengeful planet of the solar system the Ketu which denotes the south node of the moon. The Ketu planet into actual does not have any physical existence.
In this world there are plethora of gemstone each of them holds special power that can play vital role in changing the lives of all human being. These gemstones not only bring wealth, financial strength, wisdom and special power to a person. However, this gemstone has special healing properties that aid in bringing good health and resolving health related issues. Thus, on the basis of the above line, we would see the powers of cat’s eye stone and how this stone enacts in the favor of its wearer who are suffering from bad health or financial issues. The clean cat’s eye stone is known to be related with the substantial planet Ketu that is termed as the planet of fortune and good luck. The cat’s eye invites wealth to a person in short period of time.
The cat eye gemstone is a distinct gemstone due to the reason of its offbeat color in comparison to other stones. The second thing that draws the attention to this stone is its association with the dominant planet Ketu. Which is in reality does not have any physical significance in the solar system.
While a positive placement of Ketu can bestow a person with a lot of imaginative power, a negative placement of Ketu can literally make things extremely bad for him or her. Here are some of the bad effects and Remedy for bad Ketu that you should know about.
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Jewelry is an essential part of a woman’s life. It speaks volumes about her. The June birthstone because of its unique attributes has been a trend-setting gemstone. Alexandrite jewelry is quite the talk of the town and is known to be one of the emerging jewelry trends for 2022. Do you have an alexandrite in your vanity yet? If not, is the place to be! Get your alexandrite jewelry and show them off!
Alexandrite is the lucky stone for June's born. So if your birthstone is June and looking for gorgeous & trending rings then at GemsNY you can find the most trending alexandrite rings in a variety of settings, shapes, and sizes that fit every occasion in your life.
The June birthstone because of its unique attributes has been a trend-setting gemstone. Let's learn about the must-have alexandrite jewelry for your special occasions!
Cats eye gemstone is an excellent looking gemstone due to its chatoyancy effect. The stone appears quite identical to the eye of a cat. Therefore, it is called a cat eye gemstone or because it is an opaque stone, therefore,...
Tiger's eye and cat's eye are both a little normal about their healing power and post-effect, but when we look at their properties, then they can be different from each other. cat's eye mined with Sri Lanka, Tiger Eye found in Western Australia.
Gemstones have been enriching the world of many jewelry lovers for several decades now the beauty and powers that these stones carry make them all absolutely wonderful.
It is a murky pearl and has the organization of Beryllium Aluminum Oxide. For the most part it is found in dark colored or earthy green shading with versatile dash of light that runs length astute and looks like feline's eye.
Cat’s Eye or Lehsuniya is gemstone for Ketu (Ketu is the rest of the body of Rahu). It bestows spiritual tendencies, asceticism, and non attachment to worldly desire1s and ambitions. Ketu is also a half-planet that bestows wisdom, powers of discrimination, and gyana-spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of the self. Cat’s Eye (Lehsunia stone) is also known as Cymophane or Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye, this is the name given to the yellow, yellow-green, or grey-green variety of Chrysoberyl, which displays the phenomenon of Chatoyancy (Cat’s Eye). Some fine gemstones are honey brown. Rahu and Ketu are so attached to each other that they could not be talked about in different sentences. Ketu is almost the another print of Rahu exploring different shades and in different confinements which could be seen in its icon Cat’s Eye Gemstone or lehsunia on land. Similar to the prediction about Rahu, Ketu is also believed to be a shadow image of earth in the study of universe
Ajatt Oberoi is an expert astrologer based in Mumbai. Ajatt Oberoi is known for his acute astrological predictions and astrological gemstone remedies and color therapy. He is well known as Mumbai Astrologer or Mumbai Jyotish who is an expert not only in Astrology but also in Numerology, Vaastu, Fengshui etc | Learn the fascinating history and geologic quirks behind alexandrite jewelry. This dazzling gemstone remains one of the most highly valued in the world, available in beautiful settings for your jewelry wardrobe.
Hi, I’m so pleased you have found my website! I’m Arie Gavrielov, an internationally know artist from central Israel. I am an old school artist and I create with my mind, body and soul. I genuinely love what I do and enjoy the combination of working with precious metals and gem stones. See more:
Cats eye gemstone is an excellent looking gemstone due to its chatoyancy effect. The stone appears quite identical to the eye of a cat. Therefore, it is called a cat eye gemstone or because it is an opaque stone, therefore, it is called lehsunia stone in Hindi.
Cats eye gemstone is yellowish or blackish in colour. Inside there is a shining band which moves when the stone is turned. This is quick-action gem and restores lost wealth.
If you are suffering from severe ketu dasha then you must wear ketu blessed cat;s eye or lehsuniya stone to nullify the ill-effects being created by the severe ketu dasha. Before proceeding any further, let;s disclose what does ketu dasha means and why it is considered so dangerous? Since, ketu is acknowledged being the 'shadow planet; by shadow planet we mean a planet which does not have any physical existence, yet, due to its competency to make vital changes in the lives of its wearer it is considered being an important planet.
Looking for the perfect gift for someone born in June? Explore our top 5 June birthstone jewelry gift ideas for her in this PDF guide from GemsNY. Find stunning pieces with pearls, alexandrites, and more.
Did You Know that The Catseye Gemstone is Miracle in Nature and has Power to Restart The Closed Business. Here we are giving you some tips that why Do People Wearing GEmstone As Lucky Charm ?
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Cat’s eye gemstone which holds the substantial characteristics of the vengeful planet Ketu work according to the ketu's placement in the birth chart of an individual. Hence, it is not appropriate to say that cat's eye or any other stone carry side effect along with them. Contrary to this popular belief, wearing cat's eye or any other stone enhances the power of their respective planet in the birth chart of a human being.
Cat eye or lehsuniya gem belongs to the powerful planet Ketu that alike Saturn brings instant favorable or unfavorable results for its wearer according to its position in the horoscope.The native gets name,fame and wealth.He who wears this gem,becomes calm and his anger disappears
Cat’s Eye is found in Sri Lanka, Brazil and India on a very big scale. It is also found in South Africa, Russia, Burma and U.S.A. In India, it has been found in a very big way in Orissa. It is also found in Kerela, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Bihar.