The old car keys that used to rely upon teeth to manipulate physical tumblers and open car door locks, or operate an ignition, are fast becoming a thing of the past, and smart keys are their ultra-modern replacement. Changing the way we lock and unlock vehicles, even when we’re not right next to them, smart car keys might be a fantastic example of smart new technology, but just as with their metal predecessors, it can be a real pain in the proverbial when you lose them!
Did you know that many local locksmiths provide affordable services such as car key replacement, and that there may be no need to rely on an emergency service that can, and often does, charge you the earth for getting you back on the road?
While transponder or key fob car keys are incredibly convenient – and more and more modern cars have them as standard – they can be temperamental, and when they go wrong or you lose them, it becomes one big inconvenience.
Car key fobs are a fabulously convenient invention, and one that many of us can’t imagine living without, but they do have the potential to stop working for many reasons, and just as with any kind of key, you can of course lose it or have it stolen. Left without a way of getting into your car if you do lose your car key fob, or have it stolen, you’ll need to get a replacement as quickly as possible.
Did you know that the quickest and most reliable way to get your car keys replaced or programmed, is to call on the services of an auto locksmith? No matter what type of vehicle you have, your local auto locksmith could be there within minutes to help get you back on the road again:
Nowadays, most modern cars come with a key fob that enables the driver to get into the car without having to put a key in the lock. Some key fobs even enable control of the ignition. But, when the key fob is lost or stolen, it can be seriously inconvenient, and many car owners mistakenly believe that only a car dealership can help them replace it.
Mercedes is a popular choice of automobile for many discerning American citizens, and while they can be fantastically stylish and dependable cars, getting the ignition key replaced if you lose it or it becomes stolen, can be a pain. It’s a lesser known fact that locksmiths can actually provide a car key replacement service for a range of vehicles, so when a Mercedes Benz owner misplaces their key and desperately needs a new one so that they can make it on time to their first business meeting of the day, they automatically assume that they need to contact a local, Mercedes Benz dealer. While some may still choose to do this, imagine if you need the key replaced at super short notice or outside of office hours? Finding a dealership open out of hours is next to impossible, meaning that you’re stuck without your vehicle until office hours begin the next day.
If you live in Huntington Beach, there’s a strong chance that you own a boat, and with such amazing opportunities for getting out and enjoying life on the water, who could blame you! However, a boat is only a pleasure-seeking vessel if it’s functioning, and if you’ve lost your keys or left them at home, you and your boat won’t be sailing anywhere, anytime.
Depending upon the circumstances under which you lost your car keys, and how urgently you require them, it can be a real pain and at the very least, an inconvenience that you could do without. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to involve a trip to your car dealership, and in the majority of cases, a licensed locksmith can reach you within a matter of minutes, and get you back in your car as soon as possible, even if your key is a transponder.
Simply taking your key and putting it in the ignition, seems like something of aoutdated process for many of us now, with the invention of remote key fobs for many models of cars.
As with many modern vehicles nowadays, they are controlled with a key fob; a small electronic device that acts as a remote control and provides access to an automobile without the need for a key at all. Some car keys have a chip embedded in the plastic head – meaning that without the key, the car cannot be started – and these are known as transponder key fobs. While most auto locksmiths (or general locksmiths who also deal with auto’s), are able to replace a transponder key fob too, in this article, we will be referring only to standard car key fobs.
Your car keys are precious to you; even if your car isn’t valuable, it likely enables you to get to work every day, pick your children up from school or carry out any number of activities outside of your home. So, if you’ve lost your car keys, they’ve been stolen or even if they’re sitting inside the locked car, you’ll need to get to them or have them replaced, quick smart!
While locking your keys in your car, damaging them or losing them, is easy to do - and certainly not uncommon - it can be inconvenient to say the least, and you’ll want to gain access to your car again, as soon as possible. But who is the best person to call when you experience a car lockout? Your car dealership, a local mechanic or perhaps an auto locksmith?
If you are facing issues with your vehicle in Anaheim, Sage Law Group is here to help you with every step. We ensure that you get the best solution to your problem as we aim to provide satisfaction to consumers. Thus, if you find any issues or are prone to any challenges with your car, our team at Sage Law brings the best solutions to serve you as per your needs. Also, visit:
You might mistakenly believe that only your local car dealership can help you when it comes to ignition, keys and car key fob replacement issues, but in the vast majority of instances, an automotive locksmith can give you the same results, but for less money and in half the time.
While you might think only of calling your local locksmith when you need your locks changed, or have misplaced your keys and need to get into your home, they can actually help with a variety of other security issues, from car key replacement to garage door repairs.
With many locksmith services employing technicians trained in replacement Honda car keys and ignitions, no longer is there the need for Honda drivers to visit the dealership to get these problems fixed.
For any reason that you can’t get into your car, whether you’ve lost your keys or the lock seems to be damaged, an emergency locksmith can typically be with you in a matter of minutes to get you back on the road. But are the services they provide covered by your car insurance policy?
It can be super frustrating when you accidentally lock yourself out of your car, but, with the following 3 tips, you can help to prevent this from happening, or at the very least, mitigate your frustration levels:
Talk to any security expert about locks and keys for homes and businesses, and you’ll doubtless hear the words ‘high-security’ mentioned; but what does the term really mean when it comes to keys and locks?
Misplacing your house keys is a common occurrence, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating and inconvenient when it happens. Whether your keys were stolen, or you simply can’t for the life of you remember where you last saw or left them, this is what you should do if you’re stuck without your keys:
Whatever type of business you have, you’ll want to keep it as secure as possible, and investing in high-security key and lock systems is one of the most economical but effective ways of doing so.
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Locking our keys inside the car can be a huge inconvenience, and once we’ve finished ranting and raving about how stupid and careless we are, we start thinking about who we can reach out to, to get us out of a fix. For sensible folks, they’ve got their trusty local locksmith on speed dial, and a quick call usually sees them coming to their rescue within minutes, but did you know that lock outs aren’t the only thing an auto locksmith can help you with?
Just as with any piece of mechanical equipment, ignition switches experience a lot of wear and tear, and their ability to function properly can easily be affected. It’s also not uncommon for keys to snap off in the ignition, or for you to accidentally get locked out of your vehicle. However, ignition repair doesn’t always have to result in a trip to the dealership or mechanics yard, and a lock-out doesn’t have to mean an expensive call to an emergency roadside assistance agency. Just as often, these problems can be fixed by a local, qualified locksmith, and many times, at a fraction of the cost. It’s important to note that while a locksmith may not advertise themselves as an auto locksmith, they are usually qualified to carry out a range of automotive lock and ignition tasks.
A key is a key is a key…well, no, not really. Not all keys are the same, and certainly, they don’t all give the same level of security. When it comes to protecting your home or your business, you want to have confidence that the locks you’ve chosen will protect it (and you) adequately, and a high-security locking system can usually be relied upon to do the job more than adequately. The Mul-T-Lock forms part of such a high-security system, and they have long been proven to provide levels of protection far superior to other locks.
A car that won’t start could well have a faulty ignition switch, and you might think that in order to get this fixed, you need to get your car towed to a dealership. Wrong! In most cases, a reputable and fully licensed locksmith is best placed to get you back on the road, and fast.
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The expansive world of door locks is best broken down into smaller, more manageable categories, such as: conventional deadbolts, electronic locks with a keypad, smart locks and retrofit smart locks. Below, we look at each category in more detail, and assess their pros and cons:
With just a few simple tools readily available on the internet, a traditional lock can be picked in a matter of seconds. Switching these locks to something more robust and burglar-proof is the only way of ensuring that what is being stored behind lock and key, remains safe and in the right hands.
While there are a number of modern, electronic security solutions on the market today, many businesses continue to rely upon more traditional security systems, such as high security keys and locks. Having been shown to protect their premises effectively, business owners see no need to upgrade or change their security measures. However, there is often confusion over rekeying and replacing, and understanding which method is appropriate for the situation.
There will come a time in many of our lives when we need the services of an emergency locksmith, and this is usually because we’ve lost our keys, are having trouble with a lock, we’ve been burgled or someone has tried to gain forced entry, and failed. Fortunately, every town will have at least one reputable locksmith that you can call on in an emergency, and cities will have many more.
Keeping your business and employees (not to mention, customers) safe while keeping costs at a manageable level isn’t always easy, but with a high security system, you can have the best of both worlds.
When choosing the right locking system for your home, there are many things to take into account, and with so many different locks to choose from, the choices can be a little overwhelming. Pick and bump proof, Mul-T-Locks offer the highest level of lock protection for you, your family, your property and your belongings, and to help you choose the right one, here is a short guide:
The keyless locking system may sound like a misnomer, but the truth is that in some situations and for certain types of buildings and establishments, they can be a great form of security. However, it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of these locking systems before deciding to invest in one. Read on to understand them better, and remember that your local licensed locksmith is always there to help answer any further questions you may have about keyless security systems:
Regularly maintaining your locks can help keep them working well for longer - whether they’re securing your home or your business - and this includes upgrading, repairing, replacing or rekeying them as and when necessary. While you might think it a hassle or a huge expense to have your locks checked over or rekeyed, you might be surprised at just how affordable it can be, and you will definitely be appreciative of the security benefits it can bring you.
Stuck patio door locks are a common problem, but it can be a serious one, since many homes may be vulnerable to burglaries if any of the access points to their home aren’t fully secure. Fortunately, residential locksmiths are able to help with all manner of patio door problems, and if they cannot remedy the underlying issue, such as seasonal wood expansion or shifted foundations, they can usually help fix the most troubling symptoms so that you’re able to safely lock your patio doors.
There are often some significant differences between locks installed in residential properties, and those installed in commercial enterprises, and not every locksmith is trained, or has expertise, in them all.
Having a fully functional locking door, whether it’s to your home or office, is vital for your security, and the minute the lock develops any sort of problem – big or small – it makes sense to have it repaired as soon as possible by a licensed locksmith.
Having a fully functional locking door, whether it’s to your home or office, is vital for your security, and the minute the lock develops any sort of problem – big or small – it makes sense to have it repaired as soon as possible by a licensed locksmith.
If you’ve never needed the services of a licensed locksmith before, then the following information should help you choose a reputable one, who is fully licensed and qualified to help you with your security concerns:
It’s common to heavily secure your front door or main entrance, but what about other doors that lead into your home, such as patio doors? Have you ever thought that you might need to make them more secure, even if they’re not at the front of your property?
Each type of property has a different set of security needs, and to that end, it’s important to think carefully about which lock would offer you the best protection according to what type of property you reside in. While a qualified, professional locksmith is best placed to give you the most accurate, nonbiased and technically sound advice and guidance, the following 5 lock types might help to give you a basic idea of which ones could offer the best protection if you live in an apartment:
Owners of all businesses are required by law to ensure that their premises comply with state and federal regulations, and for many, this includes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Important regulations, these contain guidelines for the types of door locks that are installed on both new and existing commercial premises, and depending upon the type of business you own, you may need to be in compliance with them.
Your garage door has suddenly stopped working, and the car that you really need to gain access to, is locked inside. Any ideas who you can call to solve the problem, fast?
Whether your company is looking to expand, you’re moving to a new location, or you want a complete overhaul of your existing security system, having an access control system fitted is not as big a deal as you might think, and the long-term benefits are many and varied. However, if you’re unsure as to whether an access control system is right for you and your business, the following advice and guidance should help you come to a decision:
There is a great responsibility associated not only with owning a firearm, but with storing it, and the general consensus is that a gun safe is the best place to keep a gun, or multiple guns. However, while most Americans keep their guns protected in a gun safe, many don’t properly evaluate where the safe itself should be kept in their home, and often place it where it might be compromised.
We all know to make sure that our main entranceways are as secure as they can possibly be, and many of us even take extra measures to make our windows safe, but we often overlook our patio doors.
If your property is kitted out with a state of the art security system, then you’re doubtless your insurance providers best friend! Minimizing the risk of property theft and damage, a security system can prove to be a very worthwhile investment, not least because it helps to protect you, your home and your treasured belongings, but also because it can save you up to 20% on the cost of home insurance.
In the U.S alone, a whopping 3.7 million burglaries happen every year, and in many of those cases, at least one member of the household was inside the property when the crime occurred (some fell victim to violence in the process of catching the intruder unawares or defending their property, belongings and/or family members). The reality is that you’re only safe in your home, if you’ve been proactive with attempts to make it burglar-proof, and are savvy about the potential risks.
While renting a home has many advantages, security isn’t always at the top of that list, and many rented homes are inadequately secure. For homeowners, it’s easy to install a variety a security measures to protect themselves and their property, but it’s not always as straightforward for anyone renting. For starters, a tenant may not be able to afford to upgrade the security at their rented home, and they may also come up against opposition from the property owner.
Knowing which type of lock will work best for different applications isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds, and sometimes it can be difficult to know which offers the best security, under the circumstances.
Garages that are used frequently, or which are exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, may need to have their door locks replaced. The same applies if you’ve recently given garage access to someone whom you no longer want to be able to access it. If your garage door lock is damaged, faulty, rusted out, or you simply want to change the lock, you should have it replaced sooner, rather than later.
Sliding patio doors are a wonderful addition to any home, and in many cases, enable easy access to outside spaces and provide welcome relief from the stuffiness of being cooped up inside – especially in recent months! However, the locks to sliding patio doors often experience issues, and this may be due to constant use, misuse, or poor quality locks. Whatever the problem though, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible, as patio doors are typically susceptible to break in attempts, and can leave homeowners vulnerable to theft and intrusion.
While lockdowns and other restrictions may be easing in many countries, the memory of being housebound for weeks on end will remain for some years to come, and for a lot of us, it’s a vivid one. We remember how we took more notice of our home in general: how it functions, what noises it makes, and how it protects us and keeps us safe. Hygiene was also a big concern, and many of us contemplated, or switched to contactless locking systems.
Choosing a certified, licensed locksmith to help you update your security systems and ensure that your commercial or residential property is protected, is always the best decision, but it’s important that you check their credentials before you use their services. A locksmith without certification, may not have the following skills and not be able to offer you the following advantages: