A good way to access Sagada is by going through Banaue. Often times, the trip from Banaue to Sagada can take 7 - 9 hours, if not more. Located at a distance of about 188 km apart, you should arrive in Sagada, Mountain Province, the Philippines in less than 9 hours. For details visit: http://codalinesph.com/banaue-to-sagada/
CODA Lines offers affordable and convenient means of traveling from Baguio to Sagada. Our buses are well equipped with top-class facilities to make you extremely comfortable throughout your journey. Call us on 0927 559 2197 to get a quote. We will make the journey from Baguio to Sagada interesting, and stress-free. For details visit: http://codalinesph.com/how-to-go-to-sagada-from-baguio/
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