Although the need for improved environmental problem solving is undeniable, I ... Science 319:162 'It is premature to sell carbon offsets... Science 314:452-454. ...
diffusion, advection negligible. two-box irreversible models ... diffusion, advection negligible. all particles have the same comportment. irreversible scavenging ...
OCB: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program OCB Mission: to establish the evolving role of the ocean in the global carbon cycle, in the face of environmental change ...
David Timothy, Mark Altabet, Matt McIlvin and Peng Feng. School for Marine ... In polar HNLC waters, plankton d15N is primarily determined by the degree of NO3 ...
The Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), established under the auspices of the ... management of ocean science data should always involve a cooperative and ...