Want to join the growing ranks of stand up paddle boarders? Want to make your first SUP experience a successful one? If you’re ready to try your hand at this increasingly popular sport, you’ll first need to acquaint yourself with the basics. Of course, the best way to learn is to sign up for some lessons. Nevertheless, BruSurf has put together this little guide to help you get started. For more information visut us at www.brusurf.com!
Want to join the growing ranks of stand up paddle boarders? Want to make your first SUP experience a successful one? If you’re ready to try your hand at this increasingly popular sport, you’ll first need to acquaint yourself with the basics. Of course, the best way to learn is to sign up for some lessons. Nevertheless, BruSurf has put together this little guide to help you get started. For more information visut us at www.brusurf.com!
https://www.brusurf.com/stand-up-paddle-boarding-getting-the-most-from-your-sup/ Follow these basic tips used by SUP pros to keep your stand up paddle board in superior condition. For more info check out our website www.brusurf.com or give us a call at (949) 600-3780.
Surfing is a popular sport that is pursued both as a profession and as a form of recreation across the globe. The term surf culture is used to collectively indicate the people, language, lifestyle, and fashion surrounding surfing. Surf culture is gaining popularity in many coastlines worldwide. Hawaii and California are the hubs of surfing activities in the US, and so, the surf culture is strong in these regions. The analysts forecast global bodyboard market to grow at a CAGR of 7.51% during the period 2016-2020. Complete Report available at http://www.sandlerresearch.org/global-bodyboard-market-2016-2020.html.
Surfing has evolved into a multibillion-dollar industry due to the increasing participation of new surfers every year. Surf schools are also established near coastlines to encourage and educate new surfers. Surfing championships are hosted in different parts of the world, and surfers from across the globe participate in them to win prizes and gain recognition. The World Surf League (WSL) conducts a championship tour that is attended by top surfing competitors. Professional surfers often receive corporate sponsorships, while “freesurfers” perform for photographers and videographers. The analysts forecast global surfboard marke to grow at a CAGR of 9.46% during the period 2016-2020. Complete Report available at http://www.sandlerresearch.org/global-surfboard-market-2016-2020.html.