'I had a job, I had a girl, I had something going mister in this world, ... Bruce Springsteen quoted by young man living with a brain injury for over ten years ...
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Has this ever happened to you? You receive a compliment and you reply with something like, “Thanks, I always do that, or I always believe that” . . . and within a short time, something happens to test if what you declare is really true?
... interest dealing with any aspect of crustacean biology, obituaries of notable ... htm), Keith Crandall; Crustaceans of Polynesia web page (biomar.free.fr); Bruce ...
There is always some degree of fear when starting anything new. Doesn’t matter if it’s learning to dance, pulling up stakes, going on a diet, beginning a new relationship or starting a new business. The same question pops up every time . . . WHAT IF?
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com I have always felt such a strong connection to nature through trees, and especially the mighty sycamore. Countless lessons in life have been revealed to me as I’ve studied their forms and colors in all seasons.
Danger Before Birth Women who smoke while they are pregnant are more likely to have a miscarriage than women who don t smoke. Smoking increases the chance of your ...
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com When you think of RV living in the Winter… don’t you picture the snowbirds who travel South in the winter for mild weather RV living?
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com There is a secret to success. The reason it's a secret is because no one can give it to you. You have to find it yourself. Those that have it can only point the way for you.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com There is one simple thing you can do every day to change your life . . . read 10 pages a day. It’s easy to do . . . it’s easy not to do.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com There is an amazing, almost magical event at the river every Sunday - blues and bbq invades the quiet riverside campground at Katfish Katy’s in Huntsdale, Missouri.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Sometimes as you're going through the emails you receive daily, when you're bombarded with the latest launch, the newest Facebook "secret," making $500 a day with YouTube etc., you may not realize what is actually happening.
We’re getting closer and closer to pulling up stakes and taking off down the open road to live full time as wanderers, explorers, adventurers. No destination, no final stopping point . . . just living life as one continuous road trip.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com We all have dreams. Dreams of becoming an author, an artist, a photographer, an influential speaker, a major league baseball player, a New York ballet performer, a world traveler, a successful business owner, an organic farmer...it’s an endless list..
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Remember those childhood games you played with the kids on your street, with your classmates at recess, when your cousins came to visit?
Procrastination is a familiar term . . .everyone recognizes it - putting off things that need to be done. I used to explain how I worked better under pressure, saying I couldn’t do my best work. until the very last minute.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com And, oh, when I hear the coyotes . . . I am transfixed on their yelps and howls and so grateful that their glorious symphony wasn’t drowned out by the noise of TV or radio.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Sometimes, we gotta stop all the scurrying, all the busyness, all the to-dos and planning – so we don’t miss the key to making our dreams come true . . . being happy NOW.
RV fulltime living creates many newfound pleasures – freedom, adventure, relaxation . . . but the most wonderful are the inspiring lessons that come from Nature as one travels from North to South, from East to West . . . or when you nestle down on the banks of a river.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Ever feel like you’re in a funk . . . you know, those times when nothing seems to be working right . . . when everything you do breaks . . . when you feel like crying a river of tears?
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com We hear these words every day when people learn that we live the fulltime RVing life . . . “I wish I could do it, too.”
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Heck, a lot of people have the dream of walking away from their 9-5 job, of traveling the country – or the world, of seeing all those beautiful places they’ve only seen in pictures or heard others talk about, of living a life of freedom – RV or no RV. The biggest obstacle in the way is finding a way to live the life of your dreams.
When I was younger, long before I began living full time in an RV, traveling the open road, camping in nature and building a campfire . . . I dreamed about living in a house with a huge front porch . . . the kind of porch that graced the houses of the early 1900s . . . with porch swings, rocking chairs, and porch rails to sit upon . . . a good book to read in one hand, a glass of lemonade in the other.
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Sometimes, nature lines everything up perfectly and you find yourself in the right place at the right time to witness a phenomenon, to be the recipient of gifts from nature. The lasting memory is one of magic and beauty and gratitude and awe . .
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com I’ve got good news and bad news about fulltime RV living. It’s been two years and four months since we settled into our Big Foot truck camper along the banks of the Missouri River, and in that time, we’ve experienced an adventurous journey that we wouldn’t trade for anything; but, there is good news and bad news about fulltime RV living.
GENERAL EDUCATION AND ... Welcome and overview of the GE planning process and today's activities ... proposals for approaches to GE on our campus (describing ...
http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com And, it’s not only the fictional giants that move and inspire . . . there are stories and movies about real people making a difference in someone’s life . . .