An algorithm to compute the branchwidth of a graph on n vertices in time (2 3) ... and simple graph with |V|=n, |E|=m and let T be a ternary tree with m leaves ...
... on Algorithms, volume 1, number 1, July 2005, pages 33-47. Jeryann Huang ... Dynamic program are defined by a coloring of the vertices in ?( f ) for every ...
Rule that modifies solution to different solution. While there is a Rule(sol, sol') with ... k-opt: generalizes 3-opt. Netwerk Algorithms: TSP. 9. Lin-Kernighan ...
Instance: n vertices (cities), distance between every pair of vertices ... Instance: cities, distances, K. Question: is there a TSP-tour of length at most K? ...
Exact (exponential) algorithms for treewidth. Fedor Fomin, Bergen, Norway ... every edge and vertex is covered by some bag. For each vertex x the set of bags ...