Title: What is the COREP XBRL project? Author: infboi Last modified by: infboi Created Date: 9/11/2005 10:08:11 AM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla
Finance Track: Banking Eurofiling initiative: Harmonized and streamlined Banking Supervision Ignacio Boixo This project is made possible with the financial assistance ...
D. IGNACIO BOIXO (Gerente Asociaci n XBRL Espa a Coordinador Proyecto Europeo COREP) XBRL, presente y futuro del est ndar para la interoperabilidad en las ...
COREP taxonomy Workshop 7th-18th February 2005 Hosted by the Bank of Spain 8th February Schedule End Of Day 18:00 Joint End of Day Workshop (Chaired by Ignacio Boixo ...
... , market participants and end-users CEBS Priority areas of work Regulatory advice to the ... Design the strategy and detail ... COREP? (Adrian Abbott ...
Quantum circuits in this presentation were set using the ... The package is available at http://info.phys.unm.edu/Qcircuit/ . Herod's Gate/King David's Peak ...
Uso de XBRL por el Banco de Espa a y los Supervisores Bancarios Europeos Anselmo D az Fern ndez Departamento de Informaci n Financiera y Central de Riesgos
Quantum algorithms with polynomial speedups. Andris Ambainis. University of Latvia ... FGG algorithm uses scattering theory and looks very different from the previous ...
Principales resultados de la und cima Conferencia Internacional sobre XBRL Informaci n financiera de mejor calidad, m s r pida y m s inteligente utilizando ...
Centro de Educaci n a Distancia para el Desarrollo Econ mico y Tecnol gico. ... Para permitir la divulgaci n de la informaci n en forma exacta, completa y puntual. ...
XBRL Internacional (XII) es un consorcio sin nimo de lucro, compuesto por ... Los l deres no deben dudar en contactar a XII para solicitar colaboraci n, apoyo ...