Your Order will be shipped only after it is paid in full. Shipping service is provided by third-party carriers such as UPS, Fedex, or DHL, which you select at the time you place your order.
Your Order will be shipped only after it is paid in full. Shipping service is provided by third-party carriers such as UPS, Fedex, or DHL, which you select at the time you place your order. Product prices do not include the shipping cost, and delivery estimates are not guaranteed delivery dates – they are good-faith estimates made by your selected carrier for your shipping destination.
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Bitcoin Payment Proof must be provided to us no later than 24 Hours after your Order is Confirmed to avoid Order Cancellation. If a Bitcoin Payment is received for a Canceled Order, the amount will be refunded to you. You will be provided with Bitcoin Payment Address once your Order is confirmed.
Bitcoin Payment Proof must be provided to us no later than 24 Hours after your Order is Confirmed to avoid Order Cancelation. If a Bitcoin Payment is received for a Canceled Order, the amount will be refunded to you. You will be provided with Bitcoin Payment Address once your Order is confirmed.