Alkoholisme er udbredt blandt mennesker over hele verden og er præget af en fysisk og psykologisk afhængighed af alkohol og kan påvirke enhver person uanset deres fysiske tilstand eller tilstand. enhver social klasse. Faktisk, hvis nogle mennesker er mere villige end andre til at blive alkoholikere, kan de fattige faktisk for eksempel blive afhængige af flasken og udvikle en afhængighed.
Treatment center for addictive alcohol cocaine and gambling. We want to help people and with WHO-recognized addictive diseases (alcoholism / ludomania / shopoholic / drug abuse) to find the good life without addiction. This applies to both dependents and relatives, as we from our own experience know that relatives / families do not get the same success / focus as the addict.
One common form of co-operation with known routines, roles and tools ... and to the kids and parents who put the knowledge and experiences at our disposal ...