I’m Anne Marie a single Mom raised by West Indian parents and born and educated in the United States. I am sharing my experience of travel via my blogs. Watch the presentation or Visit us at https://baldgirlwilltravel.com/
Hi I'm Anne Marie, I quit my high six-figure income job on 31 March & April 1 will always be “freedom day“ for me. Now, I help my clients exit hostile workplaces with their coins with my Hostile Work Environment Escape Strategy program. Watch the PPT or visit at bald girl will travel.
Have a safe solo trip by choosing a correct Airbnb. Check out the presentation to know the basic things to be considered while traveling solo! Visit:https://bit.ly/3kVZiFa
If your boss openly or subtly denigrates and disrespects you at work based on your race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation? Watch the PPT or visit us for more information at https://bit.ly/3CyCx0k
Travelling Solo over 40 isn't an easy and safe process. That's why here I am giving 4 reasons, why I prefer Airbnb over hotels. Have a look at this presentation and visit our website to learn more about safety measures and overall benefits: https://bit.ly/3riOcwp
Visit the website and follow on Instagram The Anti-HR, HR Lady. Anie Marie the black woman is introducing her new website to provide HR tips about escaping a discriminatory Hostile Work Environment on your own terms. And the understanding of how to use it for your career development interest. Visit the website to know more: https://bit.ly/3634dih
This year bring yourself joy with the help of Bald Girl Will Travel. She is here to let you know how can you ensure that even in your work you are putting your happiness in front. To know more visit:
Find the best safety apps and gadgets for solo travel at Bald Girl Will Travel. These apps such as Smart Traveler App, ICE, Sitata App, and FirstAid App help you to put all your safety fears away. For brief details please view this Presentation or click the link here: https://bit.ly/3DiR8xC.
To celebrate She intend to do her favorite thing: TRAVEL. Anne Finds her joy in travelling to many different places. watch the ppt to get more detail https://bit.ly/3zF2jiq.
Take a look at the and get to know about the beautiful places in Mexico by Anne Marie where you can pursue an authentic, unapologetic, and free existence in this world. To know more visit: https://bit.ly/3FZ5zbi
Traveling around Mexico, here are the things you should learn and explore in this beautiful country. I’m Anne Marie, I share my travel experience through my blog website bald girl will travel. Watch the presentation to know more.