Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds helps simplify the asset allocation process by investing in three asset classes such as equity, debt and gold. The fund manager dynamically allocates between different assets depending on the market conditions. See how it compares to other modes of investments.
Quantum Equity Fund of Fund is an open ended value oriented diversified equity fund of funds that invests in other equity funds of varying market cap and sectors. Explore the quantitative and qualitative selection criteria that goes into selection of the fund.
Capital is one of the requirements for businesses to fulfil their short and long term financial requirements. As a business, they have two options in raising capital, one is by borrowing money and two by using their available sources. Both Debt and Equity markets consist of listed businesses, investors and an administering body to create rules for these markets. View- https://www.nseindia.com
Through this deck, find how to navigate uncertainty with prudent asset allocation by dividing investments across equity, debt and gold asset classes to help achieve your goals and minimize downside risks www.quantumamc.com
Chirag Mehta, Sr. Fund Manager, Alternative Investments & Ghazal Jain Associate Fund Manager, Alterative Investments at Quantum Mutual Fund share insights about potential of Gold and look at the key reasons for the dip in Gold prices, what does 2021 hold for Gold and what investors need to do right now.
Challis Capital has extensive experience in facilitating mezzanine finance. If you are a property developer and you require mezzanine debt to bridge the gap, contact the mezzanine debt leaders today!
Why add Gold to your portfolio? How does physical Gold compare with Financial Gold? How does Gold ETF compare with Sovereign Gold Bonds? What is the Quantum Gold Fund ETF and how does it perform? Find answers to all of these questions and more. Website: www.Quantumamc.com
What is the full form of ESG? ESG investing is also called sustainable investing. ESG Mutual Fund is a category of Equity Mutual Fund that invests in companies following the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) parameters. Understand the scoring methodology used for the Quantum India Equity ESG Fund and how does it perform in comparison to the Equity Indices. Website: www.Quantumamc.com
Quantum India ESG Equity Fund is a thematic fund that filters stock based on the ESG parameters that is Environmental, Social and Governance. Understand the evolution of the mutual fund, our ESG screening criteria and portfolio construction process.
2nd Largest ABS after Credit Card Receivables ... Debt Securitization ... Financial Institutions can achieve Capital Relief by securitizing balance sheet assets ...
... as to stock prices, oil prices, gold prices) combines motives for ... This approach adopted by AEG for narrow indexes (such as oil, gold, share price) 22 ...
While the corporate tax favors debt, the personal tax favors equity. ... Payments on debt are a legal obligation, but may be impossible to be paid. ...
Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund is the flagship mutual fund of Quantum Mutual Fund and was first of its kind established in 2006. The Mutual Fund follows the Value style of investing giving potential for earning high growth and returns over the long term. Learn more about the fund’s investment process and the bottom-up stock selection process. www.Quantumamc.com
If you are in Calgary or Edmonton Region, facing serious debt problems and would like to Book a Free Consultation with one of our Licensed Debt Professionals – or would like to find out more about the Debt Management, Consumer Proposal, Debt Consolidation, Personal Bankruptcy, Credit Counseling or Corporate Insolvency services we offer Please, Contact Us – We Can Help.
If you are in Calgary or Edmonton Region, facing serious debt problems and would like to Book a Free Consultation with one of our Licensed Debt Professionals – or would like to find out more about the Debt Management, Consumer Proposal, Debt Consolidation, Personal Bankruptcy, Credit Counselling or Corporate Insolvency services we offer. Visit for more information:- http://www.credit720.ca/
Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund is the flagship mutual fund for Quantum Mutual Fund and was first of its kind established in 2006. The Mutual Fund follows the Value style of investing giving potential for earning high growth and returns over the long term. Learn more about the fund’s investment style and investment process.
Investors are fast evolving to make ESG factors (Environment, Social and Governance) a part of their portfolio. ESG aims to achieve the triple bottom line that is good for the people, planet and profits. It is a framework for analyzing companies and assessing how well they compare to their peers in terms of performance against these metrics. While screening companies, the Quantum India ESG Equity Fund subjectively evaluates more than 200 parameters across the Environment, Social and Governance domains.
Building your equity portfolio can be cumbersome. There is the risk of selecting the wrong equity mutual fund from the plethora of options. This is where the Fund of Funds come to the rescue, offering a diversified portfolio of large cap and mid cap funds. Learn more about the quantitative and qualitative criteria involved in the Quantum Equity Fund of Funds portfolio construction process. Website: www.Quantumamc.com
Equity Mutual Funds are an excellent choice for those investors that don’t have the time or inclination to pick out stocks. With benefits that include built-in diversification, professional research and management and cost-efficient investment, one can’t go wrong. But there are 44 Mutual Fund houses and approximately 500 equity mutual fund schemes out there. So how do you weigh the pros and cons before making your choice? Quantum Equity Fund of Fund is a basket of diversified Equity Funds with a 3-Yr track record. Find out how we select mutual funds.
Debt due in more than one year listed under long-term liabilities. ... Companies may use debt financing to bolster their cash position to hide loss of ...
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If you are willing to take a Debt Consolidation Loan then you should know everything about it. I hope this guide will help you to know everything about Debt Consolidation Loans.
When it comes to money management, debt consolidation is one of those topics that can easily intimidate. While the idea is simple enough, the challenge of being approved for new credit and choosing the right credit product is where things quickly become complicated.
Venture debt financing is a great way to fund your startups . Here is everything you need to know venture capital loans, terms, costs, and benefits. For more information, visit at
Financing Decision: The Costs and Benefits of Debt Capital Structure Decision How much debt is prudent? What return can be achieved? What risk is involved?
Understand the reasons why firms do not maximize debt usage. ... Debt Consolidation. Less costly to negotiate contracts with fewer parties. FINAN 860, Fall 2005 ...
Quantum Tax Saving Fund is an ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) that allows you to save tax u/s 80 C and also build wealth due its equity component. This mutual fund follows the value investing strategy since its inception in Dec 2008. Know more about our stock selection and portfolio construction process.
Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund (QLTEVF) is an open ended value oriented diversified equity fund. The fund has completed over 14 years since its inception in 2006 and is a product of strong research and investment process. Know more about the macro trends that impact equity valuations and parameters involved in selection of stocks that make up the QLTEVF portfolio.
Debt vs Equity ... They are securities that have some characteristics of debt and some characteristics of equity. ... Company issues debt to a wholly owned trust. ...
Sovereign debt restructuring Benu Schneider The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Financing for Development Office, Department of Economic and ...
When Cost BV acquired, the difference must be identified and accounted for. ... Reporting the sale of an equity investment. 1-14. Concepts of Equity Method. - 15 ...
Accounting for Debt Transactions LOANS & BONDS Business Background Capital structure is the mix of debt and equity used to finance a company. Loans from banks ...