Are you looking for the safe, effective and natural treatment to cure your long term chronic condition? If so, then feel free to contact Dr. Lohiya Acupuncture Treatment & Research Center for the acupuncture treatment in Delhi. Dr. Lohiya Acupuncture Treatment & Research Center is a renowned holistic medicine center, which is recognized for providing best acupuncture treatment for various ailments including paralysis, diabetes, asthma, slip disc, arthritis, knee pain, migraine, brain/heart/kidney disorders, addictions, eye disorders and many more.
Guided By : Dr. C.C.Motiani Presented By : Roshni jaiswal Sadhna sontake Aasha Tawdekar Shaziya Gandhi Archana Patel MBA (HA) IInd sem. Different instrument used in ...
The objective of the study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) on the test formulation using murine splenocyte cells.
Goliya Ayurvedic Center is providing Ayurvedic treatment in Ghaziabad for curing various types of diseases including Skin & Hair Fall Problems, Digestive Problems, Infertility Problems, Kidney Failure and Cervical Spondylosis.