WHIPS Wisconsin Horizontal Interpolation Program for Satellites http://www.sage.wisc.edu/download/WHIPS/WHIPS.html As a command-line tool usable in either Linux or ...
Una Introducci n a la Percepci n Remota Curso de Capacitaci n en Percepci n Remota (NASA) Geo Latin America and Caribbean Water Cycle capacity Building Workshop
Introducci n a los Productos de Agua de NASA Curso de Capacitaci n en Percepci n Remota (NASA) Geo Latin America and Caribbean Water Cycle capacity Building Workshop
An Introduction to Remote Sensing NASA Remote Sensing Training Geo Latin America and Caribbean Water Cycle capacity Building Workshop Colombia, November 28-December 2 ...
Principles of Remote Sensing Using Spectral Information Some steps along the way from satellite observations to useful geophysical content. Richard Kleidman, SSAI
An Introduction to the MODIS Sensor Richard Kleidman SSAI/NASA Goddard Lorraine Remer NASA Goddard * * * * Picture of various types of aerosols. Fortunately the ones ...
ARSET NASA s Applied Remote Sensing Education and Training Program Richard Kleidman Science Systems and Applications, Inc. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center