Title: 2 Million B.P. Author: Gary Sterling Last modified by: Gary Created Date: 1/30/2002 6:42:25 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Scientific tools & techniques used in the analysis of archaeological materials ... probe being used to identify the gemstones used to decorate a medieval reliquary. ...
... (Thermoluminescence) OSL (Optically stimulated luminescence) IRSL (Infrared) What is luminescence? Luminescence is the light emitted from a mineral crystal ...
Evaluating a site using dating techniques aids the archaeologist in finding a ... Cross-dating of sites, when one compares geologic strata at one site with ...
1/27 notes Group 1: Meet at Tree-Ring Lab 9:30 (west stadium 104) Group 2: Meet at RadioCarbon Lab 9:30 (Physics & Atmo Main Lobby) Start tree-ring crossdating ...
Wide range of technological methods to measure physical properties of ancient materials ... Natural radioactivity trapped in crystals of stone ... Serology ...
how a group of people lived. how and why things happened in the past. what was important to ... Imagery and symbolism of Baal myths borrowed by early Israel ...
... Granada altarpiece was thought, on art historical grounds, to be the original and the Berlin altarpiece a ... The wood of the Metropolitan altarpiece cannot ...