The General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution of 12 July 2012 proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world and the importance of their recognition in public policy objectives informed Kiran Mehra Kerpelman, Director of UNIC. “It’s a great day for everyone, we must learn to keep our self happy with given resources and circumstances. We must work hard to fulfill our desires to be happy” said Sandeep Marwah of Marwah Studio Ambassador of International Human Rights Organization affiliated to United Nations. H.E. V. Namgyel, Ambassador of Royal Bhutanese Embassy who was the chief guest of the occasion reminded that Bhutan took the initiative with UN to declare 20th March as World Happiness Day.
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Noida, 15th September: “Freedom of speech and expression is the essence of any democracy”, said Sandeep Marwah, the President of Marwah Studios on September the 15th while addressing media students on the International Day of Democracy. The UN General Assembly pronounced 15 September of every year to be discerned as the International Day of Democracy and motivated authorities to promote and consolidate democracy. Democracies reckon on the belief that government exists to serve the people. It is an integral part of any political system in the present day as it empowers people to participate and to choose their representative, added Sandeep Marwah, the Ambassador of International Human Rights Organisation affiliated to United Nations.