Bihar Public Service Commission which is also known as BPSC has released a notification for various posts of Lecturer in department. Interested applicants may apply online via official portal.
Odisha Public Service Commission has released a notification for various posts of OAS, OFS, and various other posts. Interested candidates may apply online via official portal.
TS PGECET Notification 2016 has been released by the department for the candidates interested to take admission in post graduation courses.Interested candidates can apply by submitting an application form through online mode.
Students who are affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Board and waiting for UP Board 10th Result 2016, can check their result on the official website from May 15, 2016 on Thursday.
"It’s a big day for candidates dreaming and pursuing a career in Banking. IBPS notification came out today. The notification has outlined tentative dates for Common Written Exam, the CWE. The schedule for participating organisations has been announced for CWE – Specialist Officer, CWE – PO/MT (Probationary Officer / Management Trainees) and CWE – Clerk exams.
With the arrival of April; the numbers of medical entrance exams have closed the invitation of application forms and thereby declare the date of entrance exam and result date where AIPMT 2013, Au Aimee, CMC entrance exam and AFMC are on the top to have the best medical candidates.
Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited has released employment notification and looking for eligible ST candidates for the posts of Assistant Sahayak on contract basis.
A employment notification as Malda District Court Recruitment 2016 had been declared by the Organization to hire 38 applicants for various posts such as English Stenographer (Grade-III), Lower Division Clerk (Group-C), Process Server, Group D & Sweeper (Karma Bandhu) (Group D) on a temporary basis.Get further details at official portal.
The official notification about TNOU Admission 2016 has recently published by the admission controller of Tamil Nadu Open University.
The government of Delhi has broadcast the Delhi Teacher Recruitment 2016 notification on its online portal. Organization has issued this job advertisement with the aim to recruit the young and dynamic applicants for fill the 1379 vacancies of Punjabi and Urdu Teacher Posts.
REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE (RISE) Chandigarh, best AIPMT Coaching in Chandigarh was founded on 17th February 2011 with the vision of providing high quality education along with training our next generation with rich moral values of Indian culture and society. Visit website
Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan is going to release the REET Admit Card 2016 on the official website. Few times age Rajasthan Board was release the recruitment notification to conduct the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) Exam for recruit the deserving applicants for 3rd Grade Teachers.
Emojis are the valuable commodities for the mobile marketers as these act as a catalyst to increase the open rates of their push notifications to a great percentage of 85, according to a report released today.
Best Coaching for AIPMT in Gurgaon Eduneurons Academy is one of the Top Coaching Institute for NEET, AIPMT, Medical Preparation and competitive entrance exams in Gurgaon. Visit Now. GURGAON: Vohiek Educational Institute Pvt. Ltd. Q-145, South City, Sector - 40 Guru Gram Haryana, India – 122001 Phone: +91-9582050750 Email: VISIT:
India is a developing country and now the jobs that are in more demand are the Government jobs 2016, as they are more secure than private jobs as well as provide high income. Thus, a large number of students apply for the government jobs.
Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka recently announced notification about COMEDK UGET Application Form 2016.You may gather detailed information via official website.
Bilaspur District Recruitment 2016 A latest Advertisement of Bilaspur District Recruitment 2016 has been released by Chief Medical & Health Officer Bilaspur for filling up 167 Staff Nurse,
India is a developing country and now the jobs that are in more demand are the Government jobs 2016, as they are more secure than private jobs as well as provide high income. Thus, a large number of students apply for the government jobs.
Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education is likely to release the CGBSE 10th Date Sheet 2016 shortly for SSC Class for the session of 2015-16 on its own authorized portal.
MBA can be completed in Distance Education to three ways which include full time, part time and even executive 2016-2017. Each of these programs has own benefits and disadvantages. Selecting a full time courses will support you to concentrate completely on your class work.Call Us: +91-7859985700 Web:
All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi has recently announced the UGAT Application Form 2016 for offer the admission in several Under Graduate courses like BBA, BCA, BHM and Integrated Master of Business Administration (MBA). Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Delhi has decided to engage diligent and prosperous individuals in concern of notification of Delhi ESIC Recruitment 2016. Aspirants who are looking for government jobs, they can apply for 37 Junior Resident Posts. Interested and Eligible Job Hunters can check out here complete information regarding Delhi ESIC Junior Resident Notification 2016 from below.
Edunerons Academy One of the Top Coaching Institute for NEET, AIPMT, Medical Preparation and competitive entrance exams in Gurgaon. GURGAON: Vohiek Educational Institute Pvt. Ltd. Q-145, South City, Sector - 40 Guru Gram Haryana, India – 122001 Phone: +91-9582050750 Email: VISIT:
Entranceindia gives the Complete & Latest information about AIPMT 2016 Examination Details. Entranceindia provides previous papers like, AIPMT Sample Paper, AIPMT Model Paper, AIPMT Practice Paper, AIPMT Question Paper and many more exam papers for preparing AIPMT 2016. And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website. Contact Us: +91-80-6565 0303, +91-80-6533 9595 Email:, Web:
AIPMT result for 2017, entirely rests on the exams produced by applicants, check AIPMT syllabus, merit list, cut off marks. - AIPMT 2016 is going to be held on May 2016. All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Test (AIPMT) 2016 is conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to fill 15% seats on merit basis in medical and dental colleges all over India under the Central Government, State Govt. and Municipal or Other Local Authorities except the states Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu & Kashmir. Students from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu & Kashmir can participate the test for taking admission into AFMC. For more information, please go through the website. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web:
Join Meritto Educare in Jaipur, India's Best coaching institute for IIT, IIT-JEE, JEE Main (AIEEE), NTSE, Olympiad, NEET, JEE Advanced & Pre Medical (AIPMT, AIIMS).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are listed questions and answers AIPMT 2015, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic.
Entranceindia provides Latest information about JEE Main 2016 Notification. Joint Entrance Exam 2016 (JEE 2016) was conducted by Central Board of Secondary Examination. Contact Us: +91-80-6565 0303, +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web:
AIPMT is the “All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Test”. AIPMT is a single stage Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental objective entrance test. Every year AIPMT 2016 Exam was held in the month of May. Contact Us: +91-80-6565 0303, +91-80-6533 9595 Email:, Web: gives JEE Main 2016 Information Bulletin is the information provided by Central Board of Secondary Education. This information brochure contains all the necessary information for JEE Main 2016. And for more information, please go through below URL. Contact No.: +91-80–6565 0303 / +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web: provides comprehensive plans for AIPMT 2016 preparation. Our acheiver's plan is best suitable for exam preparation. AIPMT Free Sample Questions Papers & AIPMT Model Question Papers prepared by highly experienced professional's. We strongly subscribe to our AIPMT Model papers. AIPMT Model Papers contain solved questions, that covered with complete AIPMT Syllabus. Each question is prepared to allow students more practice, which will benefit them for AIPMT entrance exam. For more details please go through the website. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web:
AIPMT 2016 Application Form will be available on AIPMT official website. This application form can be available in the month of 1st week of December to January. There is only online portal mode to apply for AIPMT 2016 Application Form. For more details and information, please go through the website. Contact Us: +91-80-6565 0303, +91-80-6533 9595 Email:, Web:
NEET SS EXAM (in NEET SS) stands for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. But, it was formerly known as the All India Pre-Medical Test(AIPMT). It is a pre-medical exam for students nationwide. So, it is for people who wish to pursue undergraduate medical (MBBS), dental (BDS). Most importantly, this exam marks its validation abroad as well. Read more at -
Are you looking for JEE Main 2016 Sample Paper? You will glad to know that Entranceindia provides JEE Main Sample Paper in PDF is available on online from With our online resources, you may find JEE Main Model Papers, Sample Papers and Practice Papers in PDF format with free downloading. And for more information, please go through below URL. Contact No.: +91-80–65650303 / +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web:
Entranceindia - The All India Pre-Medical Test 2016 entrance examination will be held on May 2016., has prepared the AIPMT 2016 Exam Pattern. The Exam will be conducted with off-line only. It has consisted of one paper and it contains 180 objective type questions. Each question contains four options, from that option we have to choose correct answer. In this examination, each question is covered from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany, Zoology). Exam duration is three hours duration. We have to design the answer in designing machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of the exam will be 3 hours. For more information, please go through with below URL. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web:
NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) 2016 is the entrance exam for admission into Medical Courses like, M.B.B.S. and B.D.S. courses. NEET was conducted by Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE). NEET was conducted in two phases, i.e., Phase-I and Phase-II, whereas Phase-I entrance exam has been completed on 1st May 2016 and Phase-II entrance exam scheduled to be held on 24th July 2016. And for more information, please go through below URL. Contact No.: +91-80–6565 0303 / +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web:
Rajasthan Board 12th Result 2016 for Science, Commerce Arts are live at Check RBSE 12th Result 2016 for all streams. BSER Results 2016.
Joint Entrance examination is a common engineering entrance examination which is conducted for the admission of various undergraduate engineering courses across the country. Contact Us: +91-80-6565 0303, +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web:
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an All India common engineering entrance examination which is conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for admission in various engineering colleges all over India. Contact Us: +91-80-6565 0303, +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web:
Entranceindia - provides AIMPT 2016 Practice Papers for the gateway of Medical career. AIMPT is an India level exam, which will be conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). For AIPMT exam candidates will participate from all over the India. The entrance test is based on your study syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 of CBSE. Entranceindia gives AIPMT Practice Papers for candidates to get preparation of exams. AIPMT practice papers contain a complete syllabus like Biology, Chemistry and Physics, etc. for more details please go through the website. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web: provides the largest and most comprehensive practice tests and online preparatory courses for most popular JEE Main 2016 & JEE Advanced 2016. Joint Entrance Examination board is getting ready to conducts JEE Main 2016 examination. And for more information, please go through below URL. Contact No.: +91-80–6565 0303 / +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web: provides comprehensive plans for AIPMT 2016 preparation. Our acheiver's plan is best suitable for exam preparation. AIPMT Free Sample Questions Papers & AIPMT Model Question Papers prepared by highly experienced professional's. We strongly subscribe to our AIPMT Model papers. AIPMT Model Papers contain solved questions, that covered with complete AIPMT Syllabus. Each question is prepared to allow students more practice, which will benefit them for AIPMT entrance exam. For more details please go through the website. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web:
Entranceindia - AIPMT 2016 is an All India Pre-Medical Test 2016 entrance exam, that conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). A massive number of students apply for the AIPMT every year. The syllabus is based on CBSE Class 11 and Class 12 subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany. Entranceindia has prepared entire AIPMT Syllabus for the candidates who are preparing for entrance exam. This will helps you very well, it has started from basic level to advanced level. For more details please go through the website. Contact Us: +91-80-65650303 / +91-80-65339595 Email:, Web:
This is to provide the latest news regarding JEE Main 2016 Examination. Entranceindia gives complete and detail information and Latest updates for JEE Main 2016. And for more information, please go through below URL. Contact No.: +91-80–6565 0303 / +91-80-6533 9595 E-mail id: Web:
Entranceindia - provides AIMPT 2016 Practice Papers for the gateway of Medical career. AIMPT is an India level exam, which will be conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). For AIPMT exam candidates will participate from all over the India. The entrance test is based on your study syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 of CBSE. Entranceindia gives AIPMT Practice Papers for candidates to get preparation of exams. AIPMT practice papers contain a complete syllabus like Biology, Chemistry and Physics, etc. For more details please go through the website. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web:
NEET has become the common entrance exam for admission into all the MBBS and BDS colleges approved by MCI/DCI in the country, except AIIMS and JIPMER.
Entranceindia - AIPMT 2016 is an All India Pre-Medical Test 2016 entrance exam, that conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). A massive number of students apply for the AIPMT every year. The syllabus is based on CBSE Class 11 and Class 12 subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany. Entranceindia has prepared entire AIPMT 2016 Syllabus for the candidates who are preparing for entrance exam. This will helps you very well, it has started from basic level to advanced level. For more details please go through the website. Contact Us: Cell: +91-9880927474 Landline: +91-80-65650303 Helpline Numbers: (other than India) TOLL-FREE +17 3233 34604 Email:, Web: