Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.
Bhoothnath Returns engages Global Advertisers for its outdoor promotion in Mumbai. It’s a sequel to 2008 film Bhoothnath, the film features Amitabh Bachchan in a leading role. Set on the theme of election wherein Boman Irani is challenged by Amitabh Bachchan for a political seat. Now when everything is summing up-to election, outdoor promotion of the movie needed to be unique in approach to get the desired impact, hence the team at Global Advertisers deployed big hoardings, ultra lit, higher reach and clutter free. “We wish the entire cast all the best for great foot fall at the box-office” Said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers.” The film is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar. The film is set to release in 11 April 2014. Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has composed one of the songs in this film titled Party with the Bhootnath.