Much hyped case of Aarushi- Hemraj murder has drawn enormous attention in past 5 years partly because how it was portrayed in media and partly because half baked information is in public domain. Here is an attempt to share some information, which is largely rebuttle of charges which trial court judge used to base his judgement of life imprisonment to the parents of Aarushi.
Aarushi Sharma is a very popular actor in the film realms. Besides, she is a supremely talented actor too. Moreover, she appeared in several Punjabi movies as well.
MEDIA BIAS & OBJECTIVITY By: Shareef & Monica Objectivity It is, expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings ... - Fiinovation believes that if the networking power of the digital world, if channelized in the right direction, has the power of uniting the world. The Ice Bucket challenge is one such idea that went viral instantly.