Noida: The new edition of a book of accolades of Sandeep Marwah, a well known international personality, was released at the Global Management Summit 2017 at Noida Film City by the foreign delegates representing high profiled departments of Government of their country. “It is an opportunity for all of us to be part of a function where a book on accolades of Sandeep Marwah has been released” said Maricis D Cura delegate from Philippines. “It is my first opportunity to meet anyone from Indian film Industry, and that is also a man of such a big statute,” added Amadou Sissko delegate from Mali releasing the book.
Noida: A wave of excitement, an extraordinary gathering of filmmakers, film enthusiasts, students, and delegates from across India and the globe marked the grand opening of the 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) 2024 at Marwah Studios, Film City Noida. This landmark event celebrated cinema as a universal language of love, peace, and unity. Sandeep Marwah, the visionary behind this festival, inaugurated the event with a resounding message: “We have reached a stage where we no longer need to tell the world how much we love cinema. The 17th edition of GFFN has elevated us to a global platform, recognized for its activities and its purpose of fostering love, peace, and unity through cinema.”
Noida: A book on international accolades of Sandeep Marwah was released in the campus of Asian Academy of Film And Television by the august faculty of AAFT. “We are proud of Sandeep Marwah who has brought the name of AAFT to international level. His contribution in media is now cannot be measured,” said Prof. Kalyan Sarkar Dean AAFT. “Sandeep Marwah is going to be the Vice President of India one day. I bless him and wish him all the best,” said Mansoor Naqvi Associate Dean AAFT.