Based on a presentation by Polly Huang (2nd European ns-2 Workshop, April 2001) 2 ... Still in the research phase, and there may be many more bugs lurking out there ...
IMMUNOMODULATORS FROM NATURAL SOURCES Introduction Various Natural compounds have contributed enormously to immunomodulatory therapeutics. There are thousands of natural compounds that are known to influence the immune system by either affecting the functions of immune cells. The Administration of the powdered medicinal plants as Rasayanas has been possessing immunomodulatory activity from various Indian medicinal plants and herbal medicinal plant. In recent years, there is a tremendous interest in the possible role of nutrition in prevention of corona disease. In this context, immunological agent especially derived from natural sources that can modify the immune response, either by enhancing or suppressing the immune system. They are also used to fight infections, prevent and treat certain diseases.8 Indian medicinal plants provide a rich source of immunity. The medicinal plants that show significant immunomodulatory activity are as follows.