Taxonomy Architectures and Taxonomy Frameworks Local GAAPs and International GAAPs Consideration Maciej Piechocki XBRL Poland Agenda Introduction Taxonomies ...
Cell unite into tissues that perform functions - jellyfish. Organ ... Typical among the Radiata (hydra and jellyfish) along with sea urchins and starfish ...
Taxonomy. A hierarchical collection of categories and documents. Structure and content ... Scan the entire taxonomy. Spot-check the documents in the categories ...
The result of an action that prevents any part of a WSN from functioning ... Error correcting codes can be used to provide some protection against corruption ...
... cars - gasoline would seem to be more closely related than, say, ... the information content of a concept c can be quantified as negative the log likelihood ...
The impact of NBIC on the very concept of health, disease, disability and wellbeing, ... 26 - June 30, 2005 ...